
Tuesday 20 June 2017




Self-esteem is said to be thoughts and feelings we have about ourselves, it also means to be confident in your works and personal abilities.
 You can never be the master of yourself when you do not know what you want to become.
v  What makes people feel they are worthless?
It’s when they rely on other people’s opinion about them. So if others don’t regard them or believe in their abilities they feel life is unpleasant. It’s really the result of low self-esteem. Learn to celebrate yourself; it is stupidity to feel worthless about yourself because no one is applauding you. Take note; if you don’t accept yourself no one will accept you and if you don’t celebrate yourself no one will celebrate you. So my dear listener, always try to give yourself credit for what you did well, don’t always wait for others to rate you.
v  Conquer that fear of Failure
Sometimes in life we lose out from several things all because we feel we can’t do it.
There is always that inner voice which always says to you “are you sure you can do it? What if you fail it?” and so on.
But you have to always recognize that you have a choice, the reason why you fail is when you allow your mind to dictate for you instead of dictating for yourself. It doesn’t matter how many times you have fallen or failed, all you have to know is that you can try again and succeed; most successful people had failures along the way. Thomas Edison who is the inventor of electric bulb failed 700times while making the bulb, but there is one statement he made which is “it’s not just that I failed 700times but I just discovered 700ways that cannot make a bulb. So! how many times have you failed? Do not regard yourself as a failure, life is not always about winning all the time, sometimes you lose and when you lose, quickly dust yourself and move on
learn from your setback and try again.
v  Negative thought about yourself can lower your self-esteem
You have to be able to dictate for your mind & make right choices
Changing the way you think about yourself changes the way you feel about yourself. You are the best thing you will always have, embrace yourself, admire yourself, talk good about yourself and always see good things in and around you.
You know what?  It’s when you begin to see well and speak good about yourself that will attract people to see the good in you "People will treat you exactly the way they see you treat yourself".
Expose those lies you tell yourself “am not good enough, am not talented, am short, I can’t do it, etc.  
Those words and thoughts shape your future because the words you speak are affirmation.
Why not try speaking good things about yourself, in fact write yourself a love letter with excitement about who you are.
You are divinely designed by God. What you tell yourself determines how much you love and honor yourself.
Learn how to give more importance to yourself without being selfish.
v  Have confidence in yourself
Lack of confidence can hold you back from reaching your full potentials.
Take off your self-doubt; when you doubt yourself you feel inferior, always believe that you are capable.
A motivational speaker by name -; Barrie davenport says “self-confidence can be learned, practiced and mastered- just like any other skill, ones you master it everything in your life will change for the better” Learn to believe in yourself and have a high self-esteem. (It’s a process, take it gradually)
Get rid of the negative voices in your head don’t accept failure defeat and never give up
One terrible thing you can do to yourself is to let your happiness depend entirely on what others say about you. If people don’t believe in you, try your best to prove to them that you are worthy in a proper way. The greatest undoing of a person is not when others disbelieve in him but when he fails to believe in himself and the way to convince people who don’t believe in you is by having enough confidence in yourself.
Yes! Don’t act it! Be the original you let others see you for who you are and operate with the sense of importance.
v  Learn to accept compliment
When you don’t have self-esteem you find it difficult to accept the good thing others say about you.
It’s usually hard for some people to accept compliment because they feel they aren’t good enough.
Too many ladies downgrade the very quality of which they are being praised.
’Someone tells you your dress is nice and you jump up to tell them how old they are”

Saying “thank you” to a compliment is very polite.


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